軟體名稱 : Raxco PerfectDisk v8.0.66 (x86)
軟體語言 : 繁體中文化
軟體大小 : 8.29mb
軟體簡介 :
第一款通過微軟金牌認証並支援Windows Vista的磁盤碎片重組終極神兵利器!O&O跟DisKeeper都要靠邊站了!一套功能超強的磁碟重組軟體,不僅具有一般磁碟重組軟體的全部功能,更能預先排程並重組網欄位中其他電腦的磁碟。
對於某些處於被程式鎖定狀態下的磁碟,PerfectDisk 也能將其排入離線重組,待下次開機載入系統前自動重組。另外,它也提供加速重組功能,讓程式擁有較高CPU優先權,以加快重組速度。6.0版起, PrefectDisk會針對磁碟的健康狀況提出重組方法的建議,內含簡易型重組、智慧型重組及離線重組等。
PerfectDisk Client's New and Enhanced Features :
* NEW patent-pending Resource SaverTM technology allows PerfectDisk to find all the pieces of a file without first opening the file, saving all the system resources typically required to open each file. This allows PerfectDisk to more efficiently defragment even the largest of drives with minimal system impact.
* Statistics: The following NEW features have been introduced in the Statistics:
- Addition of new graphing ability to visually track fragmentation and performance statistics over a period of time.
- Additional File Type statistics have been added. There are several pre-defined file types based on file extension (text, program, music, graphic, video) as well as users can add additional extension to these defined file types. This allows users to quickly identify what "types" of files are on their system (number of files and size on drive) and which ones are taking up the most space.
- Last Analysis or defrag bitmap statistics are available. This allows USERS to run PerfectDisk and see the result of a defrag pass that occurred (at) some time in the past when the user wasn't monitoring the result.
* AutoPilot Scheduling: The entire scheduling capabilities are now under the NEW name AutoPilot Scheduling. The following - NEW and ENHANCED features have been introduced in the Scheduling:
Scheduling has been ENHANCED to allow for more robust combinations. For example, you may schedule a defrag to run weekly on Mondays and Thursdays only.
- NEW Screen Saver scheduling for the Professional version of Windows has been introduced. This allows users to have PerfectDisk automatically defragment their drive(s) when Windows detects that their computer is "idle" (not being used by the user) and the drive hasn't been defragmented in X days (user definable). This gives an additional method to allow you more flexibility to scheduling defragmentation.
* NEW Single File Defrag: Rather than defragmenting the entire drive, this allows users to quickly and efficiently select a single file for defragmentation (e.g., graphic or video file that you may be working on, game file, etc.).
* NEW Consolidate Free Space Defrag: part of PerfectDisk's Space Restoration TechnologyTM. This method creates the largest piece of contiguous free space available which can be useful prior to creating large files or in performing partition resizing operations. It is also useful prior to compressing a virtual hard drive on a virtual machine, as a large amount of contiguous space can be recaptured.
* NEW I/O throttling: PerfectDisk automatically detects if the drive is "busy" and thus reduces its drive I/O usage during that time. This allows PerfectDisk to run on very busy drives without imposing any additional load.
* NEW CPU throttling: PerfectDisk allows you to raise or lower the CPU priority at which it runs. While PerfectDisk actually uses very little in CPU resources, it allows customers that have CPU bound systems to feel comfortable running PerfectDisk at a lower priority and not impose a noticeable CPU load on the system.
* NEW Automatic shutdown after defrag: PerfectDisk has the ability to automatically shut down the system after a defrag pass has been performed (Workstation versions of Windows only).
* NEW Power Management: PerfectDisk detects if a system is running on battery (UPS) and then decides whether to stop or not start defragmentation. This is most applicable to laptop users who need to preserve battery life. This is also useful for systems running on a UPS.
* NEW On Screen Help: PerfectDisk has introduced the On Screen Help functionality that gives you an overview of the actions that can be performed when a particular section of PerfectDisk is in focus. The help window is located at the right side of the PerfectDisk window and can be resized or closed.